Please note that the retreat goes from Saturday morning at 8:00 AM to as late as 10 PM, and from 8 AM going as late as 4 PM on Sunday afternoon. Attendance for the entire weekend is required. Catholic Engaged Encounter of Stockton, Inc. retreats are commuter in nature – meaning you drive to the location in the morning and go home at night. Catholic Engaged Encounter of Stockton, Inc. does not provide overnight accommodations. At this time, Catholic Engaged Encounter of Stockton ONLY present weekends in English, but do offer workbooks in Spanish.
Thanks to the generosity of past retreat attendees, Catholic Engaged Encounter of Stockton, Inc. has a limited amount of funds to use for financial aid. Financial assistance is intended for couples struggling to afford life’s daily essentials, and paying the full fees of a Catholic Engaged Encounter of Stockton, Inc. retreat would further hinder a couple’s ability to afford essentials. If you need financial assistance, please fill out this form, and we will contact you within 3-5 business days with a discount code based upon your needs and funds available. Applications and financial aid awards are kept strictly confidential. No couple will be turned away because they cannot afford the weekend costs